
bullet To carry out frontier research for the environmentally sustainable development of water resources and the betterment of the water environment.
bullet To develop decision support tools and advanced technology for water resources and environmental management in Hong Kong and the Region.


bullet To develop world-class water environment engineering research in thematic areas of special local relevance.
bullet To utilize the inter-disciplinary synergy of the research team to develop group projects; in particular emphasis will be placed on the interface between physical sciences and engineering, chemistry, biology, and ecology (e.g. bio-film and marine eco-system dynamics; innovative water and wastewater treatment; hydro-informatics), and on the interactions between the coastline, the land, and the river (e.g. effect of reclamation on groundwater and coastal water quality).
bullet To develop leading edge decision support technology for the solution of water environment problems in Hong Kong (eutrophication, sewage strategy, harmful algal blooms and mariculture management, East River water supply, environmental risk assessment and minimisation, urban stormwater drainage management).
bullet To enhance the transfer of advanced water environment management technologies to Hong Kong and China through dedicated postgraduate training programmes.

